Santa Maria UK Foodservice
Banana muffin on a plate

Banana and peanutbutter muffins

  • 6 Ingredients
  • Mild

Powerful breakfast muffins for those who are on the run.

What to shop

No of portions
175 ml cooking oil
175 ml maple syrup
5 bananas
200 g peanut butter
400 g self raising flour
2 tbsp Santa Maria Orange & Pepper 325 g

How to prepare

Place all ingredients in a food processor and mix to form a smooth batter.

Place mixture into bun cases or oiled tins and cook at 160 °C/320 °F/Gas Mark 3 for 15 minutes. Cool and serve.

Chef´s tip!
This is high energy food for those who don’t have time for breakfast.

Santa Maria UK Ltd ∙ Nimbus House, Maidstone Road ∙ Kingston, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK10 0BD